Go ahead and add these to your site if you wish!
The "Preacher" - picture attached - at the sink!
Dave Linkous - picture - on the rocks
Major Kopecke - picture -standing with a civilian
The power plant -engines ( I was in the power plant when Sgt. Rameriez
first showed up) The guys in Ops where in the middle of an alert and he
was attempting to bring on line another generator when I told him he
wasn't doing in correctly. As one of my extra duties, I had learned how
to place a generator on line and he wasn't doing correctly. But what did
I know! Well we had a beautiful power failure. One by one the engines
cut off line and the whole site went dark!! We only had enough
compressed air to start two engines up and took two hours to get enough
air to start a third engine!
Fishing at the lake - garbage truck (gray) was used to haul the gear!
Radar Maint guys around something! (Note
from Joe: The something is the filter press. Details are posted with
the picture under the Maint. Page.)
Baseball at midnight
Three guys in chow hall
Beareaters sign
667 sign
Guy kind of reflecting
I'll send more in the future,
Hope that you and your family have a very Happy Easter,
Marty Chevian