I don't believe it!
I just came across the web site:
and it brought back many, many memories.
I was there from Sept. 1967, Sept. 1968.
Once I saw your picture, you looked familiar. I also remembered Larry
I was the "site engineer" and I was responsible for nothing... Typical
AF. The computer said they needed an engineer and sent me there. I made
name tags for all the guys rooms and desks. I painted the two big signs
on the road to the site and also one at the orderly room, post office
and dispensary. Also drew up plans of all the buildings and pipes and
I was so bored that I ran the "special services" dept.! I ran the photo
lab (used miles and miles of ASA 9000 b & w 35 MM film from radar
dept.), ceramic dept. (you guys made millions of ash trays), Lapidary
(polished billions of stones), library (managed the one book case of
books), rod and gun club (No guns), theater (the same movies week after
Also I was in charge of the USO shows that never materialized!!
I also was on our local radio station as a DJ!
I was also "dog man" I was in "charge" of the dogs! Frisky's name was
officially "Major Frisky Fritters" he had a certificate from the AF. I
have zillions of stories about the dogs!
I guess my main job was to drink a lot and play that dumb slot machine
in the NCO club. Remember getting paid (in cash) in the NCO club and
going down the line paying off our debts as we got poorer and poorer.
Again I was so bored that I volunteer to work and do anything. I worked
in radar maintenance, I watch the scopes in operations. I worked in the
power plant working on the diesels. If I say someone coming from the
maintenance dept. with a gallon of paint I would beg them to let me
paint there rooms. Remember the guy who had a black and white checked
floor, walls and ceilings!
Do you remember the DEROS (date estimated return to states) parties one
a month!!
This was a party for the guys getting ready to leave and also for the
guys who just got there. New guys had to drink a mixture called The
Green Mother F - - - -r out of baby bottles.
I was the one who filled out the "certificate" guys got when they left.
I also engraved the 8" diameter aluminum pistons that where given to the
guys when they left.
Do you remember the "hanging" of the first sergeant? It was a dummy
dressed like him and was hung from the "mars" antenna (right outside my
bedroom window) on a Sunday Morning. It had a 13 knot noose and had
arrows stuck in the body. The navy and Air force sent investigators up
Tuesday. The dummy was taken down Sunday and put in the orderly room.
When the investigators came the dummy was missing. I was prime candidate
because the arrows came from the "rod and gun club" . Long story!!
Do you remember the Russian sea maneuvers off the coast! You could see
one of their cruisers on the horizon. The guys in operations aimed the
height finder at it and turned it on full power. You could see the ship
move and we would re aim the radar. The ship continued to do this and we
would follow them. Apparently we where over powering their equipment
(frying!). Some how word got back to the Navy and they sent up
investigators up to H3 to interrogate us all and confiscate all photos.
How about the sea ice -- as far as you could see!
Baseball games at midnight!
The aluminum foil covering our windows during the endless sunlight in
the summer!
If you attempted to do any tape recording your music got a blast of
radar every so many times per minute!
The once a month "bubble checks"!
The ridiculous "unannounced" 2 AM alerts! Guarding radar with M1
carbides with no triggers and plugged barrels!
The attached picture was taken shortly after I arrived in 1967!
If you are interested I can start scanning some of my pictures
Thanks and have a fun day,