Since these pages have been put on the web, I have received messages from some of the Airman and Seamen that were stationed at H-3 in 1967 or 1968. Anyone who was stationed at Hofn in these two years is more than welcome to contribute pictures and/or remembrances to these pages. It is my hope to give all those people who never had a chance to experience the rare experience of spending a year at H-3 at least a little idea of what life was like in this remote corner of the USAF's AC&W Radar network.
Some of the comments I have already received have been added to the specific web pages mentioned in the comments.
If you were there and would like to share you experiences, please just send me an e-mail at
To see comments already received, just click on a link listed with a name. A page will come up with their comments. Unfortunately a computer crash erased some of the comments and addresses so if no comment is listed, I hope the comments can be re-sent.
MSgt. Spears T. Barnett Barney-1, Barney-2
Paul James
Sgt Marty Chevian Chevian-1
Nick Tazza Tazza-1
Bill Ingram Ingram-1
Richard Coffman Coffman-1
Frank R. Scariano Scariano1
Dan Mcmahon Mcmahon-1
Geir Alexandersson Geir-1
William "Bill" Harrison Harrison-1
Ed Mann Mann-1
Martin Hauser Hauser-1
Eiríkur Thorvaldsson Eiríkur-1
MSgt Robert Bozeman Bozeman-1
Golden "Bub" Carper Carper-1
Steve Spies Spies-1
Gary Church Church-1
Ed Reister Reister-1