My name is Dan Mcmahon, I served in Hofn
as part of Navy group 1967-8 and I believe I remember
Paul James/
Believe it or not, I am the guy in the foreground
of your deros foto!!!!!!!!!!!
I believe the other guy is Nick Catalano, as we
arrived at same time. and we hung out a lot
I would like to see if Paul remembers me.
***Do you have his email address?***
I was always cooking something in the small "navy lounge"
and ordered food for that place
also ran movies in navy lounge--still love old
movies---always got them after Air Force
Ii remember a couple other
Navy names Paul might remember--
Jjim Reiff, 'Pop' Schoeder, Nick Ttazza, Cliff Weatherly,
(he worked as cook in Air Force snack bar) Dave Constantine.,
and "Ski" (our po 1st class
in charge). and our clerk...Richard...somerthing..
but have know idea where they are now.
Ii hope this isnt all a "fatsam" organized by your colonel
(Nick and Ii had phony 'lighthouse watch" for weeks)
ps-- nice site....
no, you have a GREAT site ...thanx
com....................................bless, dan